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Hey! Having a website to share my heart and passion for wellness and how important it is for families is so exciting. As I work really hard to build this website, feel free to look around. Go to the contact page and reach out if you have any constructive feedback.
I believe that if we sow wellness into our families lives (even small things), we will reap health. The generations after us will know how to live healthier and happier. Join me in this fun journey!
Health and Wellness doesn’t have to be so stinking hard!
In this little corner of the web you’ll find no judgement. As a parent (who doesn’t have it all figured out either), I’m here to connect with families in an authentic way to share how we can help create change in the health of our families. Life is short, and creating wellness should feel good - let’s laugh and grow together!
Click that little button below to read more about why I’m doing this and the things you will find here on this website.
Why is it called Figs and Vines?
In 2017 I had the idea of creating a wellness company. I started researching various trees and plants and their meanings. After a while I liked what I came up with. Below is what I typed out back in 2017…
As humans we are constantly growing and seeking ways to live longer and more fulfilling lives.
In ancient history, fig trees were considered to be restorative. Vines (as they cling to the surfaces they survive on) are associated with provision, hard work, and determination.
As we are learning about living longer, we are constantly being pointed toward a more natural way of living. I want to help you live longer, restore your body, and remind you to cling to whatever goals you have with hard work and determination.
I hope I can empower you to be a fig seeker and a vine creeper!
Now, many years later, my business plan is a little different. I am no longer making and selling natural products, but my vision is still the same. I desire to empower you all to live longer, healthier, and happier lives.
Check us out on Instagram
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